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Doors Open For Setup

6:30 PM - 7:00 PM ET

Setup for Sellers

This is an opportunity for the Flea Market sellers to get their tables ready and for the last minute auction setup. If you are a seller, you can join us at this time.

Flea Market - For Items $25.00 or less

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM ET

Flea Market

The Flea Market officially opens for auction attendees, who can walk around to all the tables to purchase items that are $25 or less.

Short Business Meeting

7:45 PM - 8:00 PM ET

Short Business Meeting

IBM Ring 9 will hold a quick meeting for officer and board nominations and any other brief updates. All members are invited to attend.


8:00 PM ET - ?


This is the BIG auction! We will have amphitheater style seating with an auctioneer selling items one seller at a time.


Auction  - Oct 18, 2021

Welcome to our Auction Page! We are so excited to hold our auction on the third Monday of October. Please read on for all the details.


The Georgia Magic Club will receive 15% of all money collected for hosting the event. Buyers and sellers will not exchange money with each other, rather we will document the sales, and the club will calculate the appropriate payment at the end of the auction.

Ring 9 Members


All members in good standing of IBM Ring 9 are allowed to participate for free.

  • Ring 9 Dues Paid for current year

  • IBM Dues Paid for current year

Non-Member Fee


If you wish to sell at the auction or flea market, there is a $10 fee in total for non-members. If you are only a buyer, then it's free.

  • Anyone can attend the auction who wishes to buy or sell



Item Prices

Max $25

Flea market items can be sold for $25 or less. Bigger ticket items beyond $25 should be saved for the auction.



Please have your Flea Market items priced ahead of time and visible on the items.

Member Tables


Ring 9 Members in good standing can host a flea market table for FREE.

Seller Sheet


You will be provided with a selling sheet where the seller or the buyer must record the item, the buyer's number, and the price.

Non-Member / Vistor Tables


Non-Members will pay a fee of $10 to host a flea market table and sell items.

No money exchanged


Buyers will not pay the seller. The seller will receive payment via check or PayPal for the total minus 15% that is kept by the Georgia Magic Club.

Auction Sellers

Attach Name of Item

Attach the name of the item(s) and minimum bid (if you have one) to all auction items. This helps the auction proceed smoothly and timely.

10 Minute Time Limit

Each seller has a 10 minute time slot for their items to be auctioned. Please prioritize. If time is available at the end, we will allow for additional sales.


Please consider grouping your items into a bundle if you have many to sell. A grab bag with multiple small items could be fun.

Order of Auction Sellers


Pre-registered sellers have priority over those who don't pre-register


Members who register before Oct 10 will have priority over visitors


Otherwise, order is determined by date of registration

Flea Market

The flea market is an opportunity for attendees to buy and sell items of lower value; $25 or less. Tables will be setup for walking around. 

1  —


Items should be priced $25 or less and visible on each item. Buyers will not pay the seller. The seller will receive payment via check or PayPal from the club.

2  —


IBM Ring 9 Members in good standing can sell for FREE, but there is a Non-member fee of $10 to sell. The Georgia Magic Club will keep 15% of all sales.

3 —


You will be provided with a selling sheet where the seller or the buyer must record the item, the buyer's number, and the price.

Contact Us To Sell

Thanks for submitting!



Flea Market

Before the auction starts, the flea market allows for lower priced items ($25 or less) to be sold in a walk around experience with tables.


This is the BIG auction setup in amphitheater style seating, an auctioneer, and live bidding by any who attend as buyers. It is sure to be a fun experience!


Check out the detailed schedule so you know what time everything starts and ends. We will open doors early for setup. You'll want to make sure you sign in and get your number!

Payments will occur when the auction is completed.


01. Cash

Cash will be accepted as a form of payment. Visitors MUST pay in cash unless a Georgia Magic Club member can provide a check on their behalf. 

02. Check

Checks will be accepted as a form of payment and the club will pay out via check as an option for sellers. Checks will only be accepted by club members in good standing.

03. PayPal

PayPal will be accepted as a form of payment this year for the first time! The club will also pay sellers via PayPal as an option of payment.

Your Number

Every Buyer / Seller has a Number
  • Come early and make sure to pick up your auction number when you arrive

  • Your number will be used to identify you as both a Buyer and a Seller

  • You must have a number in order to participate

  • No money will exchange hands during the flea market or the auction. Please bring your own pen.

Ring 9 Auction: October 18, 2021

Welcome to our Auction Page! We are so excited to hold our auction on the third Monday of October. Please read on for all the details.

Buyers do NOT need to Pre-Register. Sellers Only.

Members: Make sure to register before 10/13/2024 for priority


Is there a cost to attend?

IBM Ring 9 Members in good standing are allowed to participate for FREE! Non-members / Visitors can sell items in the Flea Market and/or the Auction for a $15 fee in total.

How is this a fundraiser for the club?

IBM Ring 9 is hosting this event and managing all of the logistics. As the host, the club will receive 15% of any and all items sold throughout the event.

How do I pay for items?

No money will exchange hands during the Flea Market or the Auction. Everything will be documented on paper and a database. All payments will occur at the end of the auction.

What forms of payment are accepted?

Cash, Check, or PayPal are all good forms of payment at the end of the auction. Non-members who wish to pay via check must have a Ring 9 Member pay on their behalf.

Where in the church is the event?

Fellowship Hall is a large area on one end of the church. You can access it easily from the Johnson Ferry side of the building. It will be on the right if you enter from Johnson Ferry Rd.

Will I be able to checkout early?

We encourage everyone to stay until the end of the auction to avoid disruption. However, we will have an option to checkout before the end if you need to leave early. 

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

We have relaxed guidelines in 2022

For our October 2022 auction, we have changed our COVID policy to MASK OPTIONAL.

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