Bar Betchas, Brainteasers, and Bamboozlers: Tricks, swindles, brainteasers, and other stunts that you might use to fool a friend, wrangle a free drink, or simply get an appreciative groan from the gang at the bar!
Soeren Loeffler - Theme Winner
Frankly, My Dear: Perform a magic routine either inspired by or alluding to a film or television couple.
Eric Schuster - Theme Winner
793.8: Magic you learned from a book you’d find in a public library.
Ari Slomka - Theme Winner
Everyone Please Take a Seat: Magic designed to be performed while seated.
Matt Baker - Theme Winner
Photographic Magic: May is National Photo Month - demonstrate a trick that uses a photograph, camera, or is related to photography.
Joe M. Turner - Theme Winner
I’m Just Wild About Harry: Magic tied to any famous magical Harry. Which one? Your choice!
Mike Dunagan - Theme Winner
Extra! Extra!: Magic using paper: newspaper, typing paper, tissue paper, receipts, etc.
Steve Langston - Theme Winner
FASDIU: From a Shuffled Deck in Use - non-gaffed, non-gimmicked, non-memorized card magic.
Chris Hanowell - Theme Winner
Mental Mania: Telepathy, clairvoyance, psychokinesis…pick a mentalism phenomenon and show us your extra-sensory prowess!
Steve Greenfield - Theme Winner
Annual Auction
Tag, You’re It!: Come ready to perform literally anything in your repertoire. When the trick is over, that person tags someone else to perform. Be ready!
Clark Kjorlaug - Theme Winner
Vintage Props. Perform something using one of the oldest props you own.
Ken Scott - Theme Winner
2024 Themes & Winners

2023 Themes & Winners

Past Themes
2022 Themes & Winners
2018 Themes & Winners
I Learned It from The Linking Ring: Any year, any issue, but it needs to have been in The Linking Ring. So discover the Goldmine!
Matt Baker - Theme Winner
DIY Magic: Magic using a prop, gaff or gimmick made with your own two hands.
West Evans & Steve Langston (Tie) - Theme Winners
Street Magic: Channel your inner David Blaine, Gazzo, Kozmo, Dynamo, (you get the idea) for a little indoor street magic.
Merritt Ambrose - Theme Winner
I Learned It from Henry Hay’s Amateur Magician’s Handbook: A book packed with fantastic magic, mentalism and advice. A great excuse to spend time with a classic.
Ken Scott - Theme Winner
Mental Mysteries: Time to bust out your office supplies for a night of mentalism miracles, mysteries and mind-blowing marvels.
Steve Greenfield - Theme Winner
Sponges: Any size, shape or color, just make sure it’s magic with a sponge.
Mike Dunagan - Theme Winner
I Learned It from Tarbell (1 – 8): Come on, you have 8 volumes to work with here. Find something new to you and have fun!
Joe M. Turner - Theme Winner
Back to School: Magic focused on, or based on, school experiences or topics.
Debbie Leifer - Theme Winner
Halloween: Since the Auction is always in October, we’ll start early. From scary to bizarre, tricks that go bump in the night.
Jim Magus - Theme Winner
Annual Auction
I Learned it from Bill Tarr’s Now You See It, Now You Don’t (1 or 2): Another classic with lots of great tricks to choose from.
Howie Slomka - Theme Winner
Color Changing…Anything. Doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it deals with something changing colors.
Dan Garrett - Theme Winner
2017 Themes & Winners
New Year, New Tricks: Perform something you got for the holidays or have never performed before
Mike Dunagan - Theme Winner
Your True Love Trick: Perform your all-time favorite, go-to, can’t miss, “I love this trick” routine
Merritt Ambrose - Theme Winner
Great Escapes: Channel your inner Houdini (it’s his birthday month) as you entertain with your best rope, chain, handcuff, straight jacket, etc. escape routine
Joe M. Turner - Theme Winner
Magic Mayhem: In celebration of April Fool’s Day, perform your favorite sucker trick
Ari Slomka - Theme Winner
I Can ACAAN: Show us your favorite version, variation or reinterpretation of this classic of card magic
West Evans - Theme Winner
Mental Miracles: From predications to prophecies to paranormal, it’s all fair game as we enjoy a night of mentalism and mysteries
Richard Rubin - Theme Winner
Paddle Puzzlers: The paddle move is one of the oldest sleights in magic, now it’s time to amaze us with your favorite paddle performance
Isenberg - Theme Winner
Tricks You Can Bet On: Gambling routines, bar bets, scams and cons – if it’s a trick that involves winners and losers, it’s fair game tonight
Steve Langston - Theme Winner
Junk Drawer Diving: What better way to get ready for next month’s auction than to dig through your junk magic drawer!
Howie Marmer - Theme Winner
Annual Auction
Gimmicks and Gaffs: It’s no-sleight night at Ring 9. Perform a routine that requires or is achieved by using a gimmick or gaff of some kind
Joe Morrison - Theme Winner
Holiday Magic: You choose the holiday, we’ll enjoy the magic. We don’t care what celebration you use, but your performance must have a “holiday” connection
Ken Scott - Theme Winner
Here is an archive of all the past themes and winners since we started recording. Enjoy!
Past Themes

2019 Themes & Winners
2020 Themes & Winners

2021 Themes & Winners